Sharpen your arguments

To be able to get the price you want you need good arguments. Don’t skip this part as the arguments are often the key to get making a really good deal.

Decide your maximum price beforehand

Before you start to bargain, make sure you already know what price you are willing to accept.

Do some research

Knowing the price offered by competitors for the same or similar products and services is always a good idea. Knowledge leads to respect.

Add more products to the price

If the seller seems friendly and positive, and there are other products in the store that you are interested in, you can try to include these in the total price. You could also aim to get a discount by buying more than one item.

Surprise the seller by bargaining unexpectedly

Sometimes, bargaining for products that usually no one bargains for can be very effective. Why not try to get a lower price for the hotel room off season, or for the delayed ferry?

And, remember to bring cash when you travel. Not being able to close the deal after spending time bargaining would certainly not be appreciated